Expression of Whii ♫

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Belajar bikin coppucino- pake B. Ing
written on Monday, October 11, 2010 4:10 PM

Hai ? Whii' disini !!  Lama aku ga buat posting di blogger. Karena, aku habis berperang melawan ujian MTK (*matematika). Matematika berlalu - pun keluar

Jadi disuruh buat makanan ato minuman terus di deskripsikan gimane cara buatnya~ (yah seperti prosedure text*plaaaak di tampar guru salah nulis~~
yaaaahh jadi aku akan ngebuat coppucino karena mudaah di buat.. OK, next~~


First, You must mixed coffee and chocolate  powder and put some sugar on the glass.

Then, Pour HOT WATER on the glass. Mix well

And then , you just shake milk(kalo aku pake susu males beli creamnya jadi yang mudah saja) or whiping cream. And spray or pour on the coffee.

Finish, the coppucino ala chef- whii~~ done

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