Expression of Whii ♫

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written on Friday, July 9, 2010 1:07 PM

Hai ?
I want to tell about my story :)

It was holiday . I've alone in my home, I always online in NNc, Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter. Beginning of the shameful tragedy wahahah! I hope my holiday is very, very, fantastic and happy ! But,
turned into be scared time at 09:00 P.M ,
I went to in my room BUT, behind me I saw   a black shadow on a mirror  but when I saw a black shadow behind me ,  nobody there !! EEE,eee when I saw (under me) black cat .
I'm so scared !! So, I decided to send a message for my friends but, Nobody who reply my message (-0-) !! Uhhh, =,= And then I will go to my bed. BUT, I'M STILL SCARED about it !! AKHHH!!
 :) ,suddenly my family back to my house @10:00 PM hmmmmnnn, I'm Very-very-very happy and I didn't scared again !! I will not stay alone at home again !!
((maaf mgkn bahasa inggris yang sangat kacau tapii ini cerita karanganku waktu tahun lalu kls 1 smp tahun 2009 HEHEH))
